How To Make Friends And Connections At
Networking Functions

By now you all know the power of Networking. How making connections at such Networking functions such as Chambers Of Commerce, Networking Groups, Trade Groups, etc., can help your business grow by making connections you would otherwise never be able to make, or that would take much longer to obtain.

But do you go to such Networking functions as parties? Yes parties! At Comdex the BizNet bunch got to check out the Networking going on. Now if you think that Comdex has a lot of vendors and is monstrous in size, you should check out the party listings :

Staff Writer Sue with Martha Stewart
As you can see there is no shortage of parties going on. On arriving in Las Vegas, the BizNet Group hit the Microsoft Press party at the Hilton. Within five minutes we had the chance to talk to Martha Stewart, And The president of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer.
Without the opportunity at this party, how long do you think it would have taken to get a couple of minutes with these two individuals.

Now you should know that the approach to doing business with someone is much different at a party then if you were meeting them in their office. First and foremost the party is an after hours, fun event. So relax and have some fun. Enjoy what is going on.

The president of Microsoft,
Steve Ballmer.

Talk to people like you would at any party. Then, if it just so happens that you and the person your talking to can do business with each other, great. But remember, this is a social event first, a business opportunity second. So keep it soft and easy. Just touch on what you do and any possible business relationship. Exchange cards and follow-up later.

Remember, Networking is like farming. At the party you are planting a seed. With follow though, at a later date you can harvest the crop.

Even if you see the same individuals at the party that you see at other Networking events, don’t pass up the opportunity to party with them. At the party you will have a good time and get to know one another better. The result will be an even better business relationship. So, party! after all, it’s good for business!

BizNet Networking Links
The Santa Clarita Valley Film and Entertainment Bureau
The Best Of L. A. Festival
Chambers Of Commerce WWW Address's
Complete List Of Networking Groups
The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber Of Commerce
A Test Of Encino" is sponsored by the Encino Chamber of Commerce
"BizNet Online Magazine’s Network Connection"

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Last modified: November 08, 2002