Forget The Pager, E-Mail The Phone
Hello for 09-2000
By: Mike Lipshultz

Like a lot of folks I carry a pager and a cell phone.  My cell phone is a Motorola Star Tac and my pager is a RIM 950 (see ).  There are two reasons I carry both.  My answering service can only send an alphanumeric message to my pager and I need to be able to call people.

I also like the fact that with my pager I can also send and receive, E-Mail, send a fax, or even type out a message that is delivered by automated voice to a phone.  Pretty neat! I also like the fact that there are places the pager will work were the phone wouldn’t and visa-versa. But other times I don't like carrying both the phone and the pager.

My solution, E-Mail the phone.  With my cell phone and service provider, AT&T, I can receive E-Mail messages on my cell phone.  With my paging service, PageNet  I can set up my profile to send a copy of all the pages sent to my pager to any E-Mail address.

Using this option, I set the system up to send a copy of my pages to my home computer.  My home computer? Yes.  That way, if I am somewhere that my pager coverage is bad or I delete a page by mistake I have a copy of it at home.

Then, using the easy to set up mail rules in Internet Explorer, I have any messages coming from my pager service, copied and sent to my cell phone.  Bingo. Not only do I get a back up to my pager, but if I know I will not be needing the features of my pager (other then receiving pages) I can leave it at my home and just use the phone.

The whole thing works great, except when I forget and turn the computer off.  Sometimes it's just hard to eliminate the "Human" thing from the equation.


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