Yes!! You Too Can Be A Famous Righter Writer!
Or How To Market Yourself And Your Company.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Magazine Writer? Would you like to be able to tell prospective clients that magazines have published articles that you have written? Well it’s easier to do then you might think.

Almost all Magazines accept work on a submission basis. You just send the story into the magazine and if they like it they publish it.

Different magazines, different stories.

Now, as BizNet Online Magazine is a business magazine, we will look at how you can use this information to the benefit of your business or professional standing.

The first step.

Identify the magazine(s) you wish to try to get published in. Read at least one issue to get a feel for the type and style of the stories they publish. Contact the publisher (this information is located in the magazine) and ask them what their policy is on unsolicited stories. Find out if they pay for them or not.

Pay or no pay?

That is the question. The larger, better known magazines will pay for the stories they publish. The bigger the magazine, the more the pay, the harder it is to get published. Conversely, the smaller the magazine, or lower the pay, the easier it is to get published. In fact, a lot of the smaller (as in lesser known) magazines do not pay at all; however, it is easier to get published.

Why write for free?

The fringe benefits can be great! If you agree to write for free, make sure you get the by-line (credit) for the story. By having a published by-line, you can use it to help your business. Think of it as a form of free advertising. By being published, you look bigger and more knowledgeable to your potential clients. Also, if you’re in a profession that puts on a lot of trade shows or seminars, many of these events will give a press pass to writers that have published stories. This can easily save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

What to write about?

Write about what you know! If you make statements of facts or use statistics, make sure that you have stated them correctly. Include information on the source of your statistics, etc. Now, as stated above, think of this as a form of free advertising. However, you’re not advertising your business. You’re advertising your knowledge and expertise. Do not write a commercial for your business! Write an article with information in it that a reader can use. Most magazines will include your company’s name in your by-line information, so if the article was good, a prospective client will be able to reach you.

Just how do you do it?

As we stated above, contact the magazine to find out what their policy is. Then submit your story. Make sure to include some biographical information on yourself. After all, you have to sell yourself in order to sell your story. Now I know this sounds silly, but you would be surprised that people forget to do it, so include information on how to contact you. You know, like your name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address. that kind of stuff. It can also help to send the story in an electronic form (on a computer disk). Check with the publication on the format they prefer. If you want anything you send sent back to you, include a postage paid, addressed envelope for the return (some publications do not return submissions no matter what).

Get started Now! Send us your story. The Editorial staff will review it and let you know what we think. Who knows, you could become a writer for BizNet Online Magazine.

No pay, maybe fame. BizNet Online Magazine does not pay for the stories we publish, but we give full by-line credit. So, send us your story and get a chance to be published. Just for the record, if you send us the most incredible earth shattering story, that makes this magazine famous and Bill Gates buys us for a Billion Dollars, no, we still will not pay you.... but, we will send you a nice thank you note and give you full credit for the story.

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Last modified: November 08, 2002