At The water Cooler

By: Mike Lipshultz

Would You Like Fry's With That?..........

            I now know how to catch trout  in the river were I live.  Use French Fries as bate.  Talked to a kid with a stringer full of trout, fishing by the boat docks.  He caught them all on French Fries.  I forgot to ask if he used ketchup or not?

I Hate GTE, Oh, What! It's Now Verizon?.... Still Hate Them....

            In Los Angeles I asked my local phone company to disconnect two of my phone lines effective "tomorrow.... as I still need them until 5 pm today". I made that call at about 8 am.  By 8:30 am those lines were shut off!  I called and complained etc.  I needed the lines working for the balance of the day... They were to be shut off the following day etc...  After about three hours in phone calls they admitted to the mistake and fixed it.  Their fix.  They kept the lines off the whole day I needed them.  On the following day, the day I did not need them, they were turned back on. Oh, they’re still on.... I can't get them disconnected now........   Gee, no GTE... Oops It's Verizion.

Oh, I Changed My Mind.......

            Just a note on folks that change their minds... If you told someone you would do something, and they are relying on it... If you change you mind... At least follow though on the commitment, you made.  Give them time to work around your change of mind.  Don't leave them hanging!... It's bad business, and it is not nice!

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