Is Your Kid A Hooker In Training!
A BizNet Warning To All Parents!

I tell you I’m glad at times I don’t have kids.  If I did I think I would go nuts trying to protect them from the world.

One of the latest threats to your kid could turn them into a kiddy porn star, or a hooker.  It’s that seemingly innocent web cam.  Now the web cam itself is not evil, or dangerous.  It’s the usage of it that some young teens have come up with that is opening the door to a very dangerous world.

Lots of teens set up personal web sites and post photos on them.  But some take it further.  They put up wish lists.  A list of stuff they want folks to buy them.

In exchange they will post a photo of themselves with the “gift” purchased for them.  The danger is that they will pose in the way requested by the gift giver.  Can you say kiddy porn!

Lets not forget that we are talking about teens and preteens.  They are not world or street wise.  So those gift givers have the upper hand on manipulating them.  If the kid will post a photo for a ten-dollar item, what will they do for a hundred bucks!

It can be a very small step from taking those photos, to turning a trick or two.  Or doing a movie.

After all, what kind of sicko would be sending a kid gifts for photos to begin with.

So, parents, please talk with your kids.  Get involved with your kids.  Know what they are doing with those web cams.

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