At The Water Cooler.
By: Mike Lipshultz

BizNet Online Magazine prides itself as being a top source of information on the net. So, how about some information on the net itself?

Nearly 77% of all users are between the ages of 18 and 49.

On average, only 25% of the population of the United States have a college degree. 51% of net users are college grads.

If you think the Net is busy today... then just wait. The traffic is said to double every 100 days.

Out of a total U.S. population of 270 million, about 57 million surf the net.

It took radio 30 years to have a viewer base of 50 million.

It took Television 13 years. The net did it in 4 years.

48 percent of the U.S. population is male. 56% of net users are male.

In the U.S. more users are single. In Europe more users are married.

It is estimated that the number of web sites is 2.6 million.

With the number of web pages estimated at 300 million to up to 500 million. Of all those pages, it is believed only about 40% have been indexed on a search engine.

So now you know why you can’t log on sometimes, and if you can why you can’t find what you're look for.

In truth, a very large number of Web Pages are so badly coded that search engines cannot index them. This writer sees them every day. Even on large corporate sites. Guess there is more to building a page or a site than just calling yourself a web master!

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Last modified: November 08, 2002