"Get Shot... Or You’ll Wish You Had Been"

   Yes folks, it’s that dreaded time again.

Yep, folks it is that time of year again.  So just like every year BizNet is running it’s yearly Flu article... But this year there is some added BIG NEWS!!!  So read on.

The flu takes more then just a toll on people. It can really mess up a business. Last year here in Los Angeles, California, every person I know that got the flu was out of it for a week. That’s a lot of time for a lot of people to lose from work. Even in a large office you can look forward to a great loss in productivity as the flu makes the rounds.

If you think losing time from your work and the financial loss that goes with it is a bummer, you haven’t felt anything yet. Just imagine how you will feel for that week.


The year before last, the flu kicked my butt. Last year I got a flu shot. When the flu made its rounds, I did not get it. Lots of friends and business associates did. I know, I was repeatedly exposed to it. So this year I’m getting another shot. Now, just so you know…if I’m willing to get a Flu shot everyone should be. You see we all have our little phobias. Mine is needles. I hate just thinking about a shot. It makes my skin crawl, (even writing this article bugs me). Last year I got my shot from an off-duty harpoonist and I had the bruise to prove it. My arm felt like the vaccine was pounded into it. But the effects of the flu are so bad, that I was glad I got the shot. I’m doing it again this year. So if I can get shot, so can you.

Remember that if you get the flu, you will wish someone would just shoot you. It’s no fun. So get shot first.

NOW for the big NEWS!!!!  As you’re reading this, new weapons in the war on the Flu are hitting the streets.  The big news is for any one that does not live alone.  One of the best ways to get the Flu is to take care of a housemate (be it a family member or loved one) that has the Flu.  Now there is an inhaled prescription drug to fight the Flu it is called “Relenza”.  In studies it has proven effective in blocking the speed of the Flu. However, doctors clearly are WARNING that it is still not to be used as a replacement for the Flu Shoot.  “Relenza” at this time comes as a powder that must be inhaled.  This coming fail another competing product is expected in pill form.

The other big news is that a new Flu shot is in the works.  Currently every year officials must “guess” at the most likely Flu that’s going to hit and make the Vaccine for that strain of Flu.  But in the works is a new vaccine that looks like it will work on all strains of Flu. The vaccine focuses on the so-called M2 protein of the Flu virus. So far so good, but it is still in being tested.  With luck, look for it sometime next year.

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