No One Cares About Computers.
By: Mike Lipshultz

No One Cares About Computers

If you think no one cares about or should care about NC Computers, boy are you in for a shock. In the next two to three years NC Computers will be everywhere.

To refresh you memory the idea behind NC Computers is that you have a "Smart" server, connected to dumb terminals. The disbeliveers in the NC concept just say " That idea died in the 80’s with the birth of the PC".

Now the reality. Yes there is a real need and market for the NC Computer. No it’s not the perfect computer for everyone. But when was the last time anyone told you their Windows PC was perfect!

The biggest market place for the NC Computer is in the corporate world. In the real corporate world, offices are running everything from 500 MHz Alpha systems down to old out dated 286 PC, all networked together. In the corporate world the big bosses and high power departments get the latest and greatest in PC power and software. The "old" equipment is passed down to the next level department. That’s why at the bottom of the feeding chain you have 286 computers. Big companies don’t spend money on computer equipment unless they have to. So trickle down equipment is a fact of life. It’s a pain in the #@*&! for the system administrator. Not every department can share documents with out software being backwards compatible. Who is running what? Parts are a pain. Is Mary running a 286 or a 386? Where can I get a SCSI card for a 286? Get the idea?

Now comes the NC Computer. Everyone is running on the same terminal. As upgrades are needed only the server is replaced. As all the terminals are the same, parts and maintenance are streamlined.

Now you get the idea, There is a need and a market for the NC Computer. Don’t get me wrong. The NC Computer backers have a ruff road ahead. In addition to overcoming the natural resistance to change. There is the real hurdle of backwards compatibility with software. If I switch to an NC Computer and software what about the 2 million records I have in Microsoft Access? What if I switch and my clients do not. How will we share records?

Last month at Oracle Open World, Los Angeles, I was very impressed at just how hard both hardware and software makers are working at addressing the above and more. The NC Computer is coming to a corporation near you. Oracle has the money the alliances, and the determination to make it happen.

For those of you that missed Oracle L. A. you missed a very strong show. I recommend you keep an eye on thing to come http// or http//

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Last modified: November 08, 2002