Poor Cat!Poor Dog!

Pet First Aid, It's all in the timing.

  Just as I was hitting the keyboard to do this article I saw a news story on KTLA http://www.ktla.com/ (one of my local TV stations) on Pet First Aid.  The story was on a book and an informational Video, sponsored by the American Red Cross and Iams Pet Food.

Last month we talked about First Aid Kits for the office (for humans) but what about the office pet ?

This was a perfect follow-up to last month’s article.  So I hit the web.  I checked out the Red Cross Web site http://www.redcross.org but I could find nothing on pets, etc.  No obvious link could be found.  Using the sites’ search feature with such words as pet, pets etc., turned up nothing.  So off I went to the Iams site http://www.iams.com.  No nothing here.  Let's try the phone.  I called both Iams and the American Red Cross.  Again no help.  No one knew a thing.  Every number I called was a waste of time.

Iams paid for the cost of producing this Video.  I have no doubt they were looking for a little community support, and therefore some interest in their company.  The same for the Red Cross.  Not a bad deal.  Support the community, do something because it is right, and justify it to the pencil pushers as an opportunity for some positive and free publicity.

Would have been nice if when the public called either Iams or the Red Cross’ people working the phones had a clue this existed.  On calling, for the most part I was told I must be confused, as they have nothing like I am asking about.

Knowing I was right I talked to their Public Relations folk.  Again no help.  I finally got a call from someone at Iams that was involved in it, but I still can't tell you who or where to get the video.  I talked to the Red Cross rep.  She knew about the book, but not how to get it.  She also told me there was no video.

What a waste.  I bet Iams put in at least $1000,000.00 to do the project.

So is there a book?  A Video?  YES...  A video too!!!  Just check this out:


I got real lucky and found the Red Cross book.  The below link will take you right to it.  Do not try to find it though the home page of the Red Cross.  As the saying goes "you can't get there from here".

Just to set the record straight:  The Red Cross is a great organization and Iams makes some really good pet food (or so I'm told by my cat).

Lets get back to the focus of this article.  Our four-legged friends.

More and more offices have pets running around them. Even if your office does not have any four-legged employees, what about your four legged friends at home?

First Aid for your pets is very similar to the treatment for humans.   However there are a few differences.  There are some things (like over the counter meds) that are extremely safe for humans but will KILL your pet.  You Need To Know This Stuff.

Be good to your pet.  Take the time to explore the below links.

The Red Cross Book:



Pet First Aid Courses

Oakland Educational Services Ltd


Pet First Aid Kits and Supplies.




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