Get Wide

If You Don’t Know About Wide Format, You Should!

Wide Format???? Don’t know what I’m talking about?  Think Big Screen TV.  Like to have one, right?  After all everything just looks better on that nice big screen.

So, what about that Ink Jet printer you have?  We know you use it for making up signs.  So, why not make them bigger?

Forget about that letter size (“8.5 x 11”), lets talk big.  Tabloid big, a full 11” x 17”. Now that’s wide format.

In computer lingo a “wide” format Pinter is one that can do tabloid size (11”x 17”).  Think about it.  Instead of printing one of your tiny 8.5” x 11” signs you can make a big attention getting 11” x 17” sign!

So, next time you’re in the market for a printer, don’t forget to check out the Wide Format units.

It’s Not True.

When shopping for a wide format unit, most places you go to will tell you only HP and Epson make them.

BizNet is here to tell you the truth.  Lexmark also makes one.  Also Xerox   but they are changing their market direction so they may stop offering one.

So, check it out.  Last week I saw some close out specials on a Xerox Wide Format printer.  In the box, with warranty.  Only $99.00.   So deals can be had.

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Last modified: November 08, 2002