At The Water Cooler.
By: Mike Lipshultz

I Just Don’t Get It..... But Neither Do They....

How come so many s-called Web Masters and Internet "Designers" don’t have web pages? Isn’t that like a printer with no business cards? Or a phone company without a phone number. Boy, it seems like anyone and everyone is calling themselves a web professional these days. I pity the poor fool that hires them. I mean, come on, if a business in the Internet design business can’t get around to designing their own web page, do you think that they will get around to yours?

Now That’s My Kind Of Radio Station.....

Here in the Southern California Area there is a new radio station. K-Traffic, 1650 AM. It’s all traffic reports 24 hours a day. I don’t know about you, but when I want a traffic report I want it now. I hate hunting the radio to find a traffic report. Now I just go to 1650 AM for continuous non-stop traffic reports.

Looking For More Then Traffic....

Shoot your web browser over to News Bot is a service that will locate news stories on any given subject. Also try the Wire at Or you can just stay here at BizNet Online Magazine and use our service. BizNet News, or BizNet Bits, or Stock Quotes.

The Gorilla Of My Dreams... Or This Chat Thing Is Getting Out Of Hand.. Remembe,r in those Online chat rooms not every one is who they claim to be. In fact, that sexy chatter could just be a big ape. Koko, the Gorilla that uses sign language, just hosted one of the largest chat events ever on AOL. Need more info ?

Don’t Want To Ask A Gorilla... Ask Jeeves A new search engine located at takes plain language questions. Like, how does a car work?

Who is that web site? Ever wonder who is the registered owner of a web site? Find out at

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Last modified: November 08, 2002