What Happens When You Put A Family Band Radio On Steroids?
You Get The Kenwood FreeTalk XL.

If you have ever used one of those "Family Band " radios you know that they are incredibly useful.  Be it for play or work.  Their low price and small size is hard to beat.  Unless...

Unless you need to go any real distance between units.  The biggest drawback on those "family" radios is their range.  At only 500MW (less then one watt) of power they just don't go that far.  Most manufactures claim a range of up to 2 miles.  Get real!  I think you would have to be on perfectly flat land out in nowhere to get that kind of range.

In reality most 500MW radios have a hard time getting out of a building (one person in the building, the other person outside).  Outside, the range at best in the real world is about one mile.

Because of this, most business folks and serious outdoors folks can't take advantage of the low cost of those "Family" radios and are stuck paying a lot more for "Business" radios.

Until now…Kenwood took one of their "Family" radios and fed it some serious steroids.  Their beefed up unit is the Kenwood FreeTalk XL.  At a full 2 watts it can really transmit.  We are now talking up to 5 miles.  It can easily transmit from the first floor of a building to the top floor.  You can talk to the guy on the inside, or the outside.

Now Kenwood did not just stop at "beefing up" the power.  They "beefed up" the whole thing.  This unit is built to take it.  In fact it is built to full Military Specs.  So, if you drop it, it stands a chance to come out alive.  In fact if you get mad and throw this thing at the wall, it will go right through the wall before you break it.

If you already have some of those "Family Band" radios, then I've got some good news.  This unit comes with 15 channels.  The first 7 are compatible with all "Family Band" radios.

Why get one of these instead of a "Business Band" radio?  Easy, those "Business Band" radios are also at two watts, so the power is the same.  Most business band units only come with one channel installed.  You have to buy the "crystals" to get more channels.  With the FreeTalk XL you get all 15 channels ready to go.  Also the FreeTalk XL is lower in price then a "business band" radio.  Do yourself a favor.  Check out the Kenwood unit at:


Or cheek out the full Kenwood lineup at:


The Kenwood FreeTalk XL is so perfectly on target, BizNet OnLine Magazine gives it the "WOW Award"!

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