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BizNet OnLine Looks At

By Mike Lipshultz

Audials Software

If You Have Ears, You Need To Know About This!

By Mike Lipshultz

OK, so maybe you need to know more about this company and their software then just some writer saying go get it!

But I'll bet once you know about what they have to offer, you are going to be checking out their web site right HERE.

And as they give you a free try it before you buy it download, I know you will at the very least try one of their great software offings.

OK, lets get to the why of this article.

The why is my Smartphone. For the first time in a long time I needed to not only listen to a radio program, I needed to record it. I'm sure you don't care why I needed to, but my Ego will tell you anyway. I was going to be on the radio talking about some great stuff. Oh, Boy!!! Me... On the radio! I know hard to believe............................................................ That anyone would put me on the Radio.

Well I simply started the Audials Android App and set it to the Radio station KTOX (it has a great search function. Just enter the station name, or what yo want to listen to) and told it to record.

Yes, I know there are lots of Apps in Android and iPhone that stream radio to your phone. And a lot that record. But I will tell you Audials has been the best one for me. It has never crashed or had issues with other programs. In short it works as stated, is easy to use, and it's free!

Yes, they have free versions of some of their software. And they support Android, Apple, and Windows on a lot of their software.

A lot of their Software....? Yes, they have more then just the free Android app. They have a paid version of the Android App that gives you even more great functions then the free version.

But let me tell you with just the free version you can find, listen to and even record a lot of stuff. Yep, it's good for more then just music.

They also have software for you desktop, Laptop, and so on that can get your feet to tapping to great tunes.

Hay all you Road Warriors, with their app you can use your Smartphone to wake up to your favorite Radio Station. Missing your favorite show when in a meeting or on the road? Well no more with this Audials app. Because you can record and playback when you want.

Um, have you stopped reading yet to just go to their web site and grab some of their great programs? No.... You haven't... Really... You just have to Click Here!

Well if you are still reading this, thank you for helping me believe that I'm an Okey-Doky writer!

Before I continue I should officially say, hay didn't I just say “But I will tell you Audials has been the best one for me. It has never crashed or had issues with other programs. In short it works as stated, is easy to use, and it's free! “ and as that is almost the definition of the A-OK Ward, why has Audials not been Awarded To This Company?

Very valid point. So here goes!

Congratulation to Audials, you just Won the A-OK Award for doing what you say you do, And being easy to use!

A-OK AwardThe A-O.K. Award is awarded to products or services that are just that: A- O.K.. So, what makes them A-O.K.? Easy they just simply have to do exactly what they claim to do, and be easy to use! Now if your thinking, come on, any thing can win an A-O.K., award, then think again. When was the last time you paid good money only to find out the damn thing won’t do what it claimed, or you had to spend six days on the phone with tech support to get it to work. Makes you want to kill someone! So, it really is nice when you pay your money and you get an A-O.K. Product! “

And now back to our regularly scheduled article......

Well by now I really cant figure out why you are still reading when you should be over at and downloading those programs... But you are still here so lets talk about some of their other offerings.

You can get an over view of the offerings for Windows here:

For Mobil Apps here:

For All Their Downloads here:

As you may be thinking, Gee this guy is trying to get me to go to Audials web site! Well yes I am. They really do have programs that do a lot pertaining to listening and/or recording.

So I will rap this up by simply saying if you want it all, then check out Audials one.

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Editor:  Mike Lipshultz